Search Engine optimization Advantages and Disadvantages - How to Turn SEO into Success

Description:  SEO is the way to get free traffic from search engines and Paid search advertising is the process of paying to get the advertisements to show up on search engine results pages. As we'll see later, each SEM component has a number of sub-processes and tools.

BY: Punit Korat
Address: 4030, Central Bazzar,
Varachha Road, Surat,
Mobile No: 092770-77088

SEO Advantages & Disadvantages the Ultimate Guide to SEO

What's the main goal of Search Marketing?
The overall objective of SEM is to boost visibility in search engines by achieving higher rankings in the SERPS (search engine results pages) or high positions for ad placements. Higher ad ranks and positions mean more traffic and this also has a lot of added benefits.

What's Search Marketing Important?
Before entering the details about what are SEO and PSA and also how to use these for more visibility and traffic from search engines, let us quickly examine the importance of SEM for the achievement of a website or online business For Go to More Information On best  Disadvantages of Search Engine Optimization Click Here It is a fact that in today's World the Internet is the source for everything we need to understand, learn, ask, purchase or do.

When we have a question or looking for something, the first thing we do is to turn into a search engine (in nearly all instances Google), and type in our search query Once we hit SEARCH, we expect to either get a direct reply to our query or a listing of tools (and this list contains both advertisements and websites), that may fulfill our intent.

The majority of users click on a few of the very best ads or one of the first five organic results. Search engines are working hard to enhance the quality of the search results by introducing to the searcher those sites (or ads) that will keep their users contented and come back for more searches. To do that they have developed complex algorithms that take a number of variables into account before they determine which websites (or ads) to reveal at the top rankings.

Search engine marketing is essential since it is the procedure to follow to maximize your site or advertisements so that they appear at the top positions your goal isn't just to have a presence in search engines but to show in one of the top five rankings for the search questions (key words) that matter for your business or website. Were you aware that the most popular search engine is Google serving greater than 50Billion questions a month

There are a number of techniques you can follow to improve your presence in search engines and also to achieve higher positions for your ads. SEO Advantages & Disadvantages As stated previously, these are all grouped into SEO and PSA. Search engine optimization or SEO is the process of optimizing your site for achieving higher rankings in search engines for certain keywords and phrases. Search engine optimization principles can also help you create top quality sites with great content and meet the user intent.

Until 10 years ago, SEO was about keyword stuffing, publishing fair content and constructing links but this isn't the case today. SEO has become more complicated and also to get it right, you have to take into consideration a number of parameters.

To generate the whole Search Engine Optimization process simpler, it’s broken down to the following main sub-processes:
•             Technical SEO -- Enhance your website for the crawling and indexing procedure so that search engines can detect, read and understand your site.
•             On-Page SEO -- Boost all pages of your site one-by-one and provide search engines the correct signals to comprehend what your site and pages are about.
•             Content SEO -- give both users and search engines the content that they want and keep them happy
•             Off-Page SEO -- market your site online, get good quality backlinks and establish to search engine algorithms that your website deserves to be in one of the greatest spots for the keywords you desire.
•             Neighborhood SEO -- optimizes your website so that people can locate and visit your brick and mortar shop
•             Mobile SEO -- also make it easy for users to find and utilize your website while on the move and out of their tablet or mobile devices.

Higher rankings, more visitors If your goal with search advertising is to gain traffic to your website without needing to pay for ads, then SEO is the thing to do. As mentioned previously, the websites that appear in the top 3 positions of the natural results get more than 60% of the visitors -- This statistic alone explains the significance of SEO.

Depending on the keywords you used, they are probably making thousands of dollars in revenue (from advertising or selling their own products or solutions), because search engine traffic is highly targeted.
Unlike traffic arriving from Facebook or other social media networks, natural traffic converts better because the consumers have a clear intent in mind prior to studying something into Google and it is not only for curiosity or leisure.

Besides the traffic, SEO offers a number of other advantages and these can be summarized into the following: Trust and recognition: Users trust search engines since they know that they have strict rules about which websites are displayed in the search results, and consequently they trust websites that rank in the top rankings.

Trust doesn't only generate more conversions but it also increases awareness and brand recognition and making your digital marketing efforts in other channels easier. SEO can lead you on how to create better sites: SEO is not just about search engines but it's mostly about consumers. To get a fully optimized website for search engines, it has to optimize for customers and this is what SEO is all about.

Besides getting organic traffic from Search engines, another method to make the most of the countless users that use search engines on a daily basis and get targeted traffic to your site is through paid advertisements. If you search Google you will notice that above and under the natural results, you're presented with Paid Ads.

Paid Ads above Google Search Results Paid Ads below Google Search Results Rather than waiting to attain high positions through SEO, you can pay your way to the top. Obviously, as we will see below, that is not so easy. It gets more complex when quite a few advertisers are competing for one of the top ad positions.

The most widely used version is that the PPC (pay-per-click), which means that you pay only when someone clicks on your advertisement and the most commonly used PSA process is Google Adwords. Google Adwords is owned by Google and it's the platform you need to use to show your ads on Google or even Youtube.

How does PPC Work?
How it works is simple but it gets more complex when you are coping with niches and keywords that have a great deal of competition. Here's a Summary of the procedure:
•             You create a free account with Google Adwords
•             You put up marketing campaigns. Each campaign can have quite a few adgroups, keywords and ads.
•             You define your target audience i.e. that people are able to view your advertisements (you can limit your choice by country, time of day, user location etc.).
•             You start the campaign and you only pay when someone clicks on your advertisement.
•             You track the results of your efforts and also make the necessary changes.
How much you pay every time someone clicks on your advertisement is dependent upon a range of factors.
The machine will provide you in advance an indicator on how much you'll be billed per click but the actual amount is determined when it actually happens.

Adwords within an auction-based system this usually means that the price of each click and the position that your ad will appear, is dependent on ‘demand and supply'. Best of tricks each time a search is made on Google; AdWords runs an auction for the available ad rankings.

Advertisers that are willing to pay more, have high quality advertisements that are most likely to satisfy the user intent, they acquire the top rankings. To make this easier to understand, let's say there are 10 advertisers that sell ‘engagement rings' and want to have their ads displayed in the first page of Google when people search for ‘Buy an Engagement Rings'.

Google reveals 3 advertisements above the natural search results and two ads in the bottom. This usually means that there are only 5 advertisement spots on the first page but you will find 10 advertisers which advertisements will show on these 5 available rankings Very similar to SEO, the Adwords system takes into consideration a number of rules before determining where each ad is to be shown.

Some of the variables can be controlled by advertisers like the cost they are willing to pay per click, the caliber of the ads etc., some are decided during the auction and some are just known to Google. Everything you have to understand is that while Paid advertising is a great way to promote your website on Google, it's not always as straightforward as setting up an account and conduct a campaign. An optimization process in place and if you do not need to lose your money with no return, it is best to leave this job to professional marketers.

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Search Engine optimization Advantages and Disadvantages - How to Turn SEO into Success Search Engine optimization Advantages and Disadvantages - How to Turn SEO into Success Reviewed by Unknown on November 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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